#56 – Bob Dylan & JFK

Friday twenty seventh of March 2020. Bob Dylan releases an almost seventeen minute masterpiece on former president of the United States John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The first original song of Dylan’s in over eight years he brings us this sprawling epic covering the most public and shocking assassination in history.

Dylan goes in depth and takes us through the assassination and how the world never really recovered or felt the same since. It takes Bob Dylan to release a song on this topic almost sixty years after the fact. A truly unique song by the greatest song writer of the twentieth century on a tragic and horrific incident.

It’s certainly not a song for everyone but that’s part of what makes it that little bit more special

Thank you Bob Dylan. The year is 2020 and Bob Dylan can still release such an eerie, beautiful and transendent ballad. Where would we be without his music.

6 thoughts on “#56 – Bob Dylan & JFK

  1. Interesting song- and although it clocks in at nearly 17 minutes- didn’t seem that long and never lost my interest. I hope there is an album of Bob originals coming sometime soon.

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    1. Very interesting song alright so great that Bob Dylan is still releasing such great work. A full album of original music from him would be amazing, it sounds like he’s still able to make great music

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